What brothers meant for me?
My brotherhood start when I was wondering why there are so many people in my house,where i think they are just so annoying :D then my mom said it’s all your brothers.Still wondering so what!! Its take me some times to realize that they are going to stay with me for long.Then I realize I have four brothers who is different models.
5 brothers, small house and small life…me as a youngest one ..was born in small family where we don’t have much relatives. Life is good because I m the youngest in my family eventhough always kena bully from my brothers I still love the way they are..
My elder brother always look young, believe me he never change his hair style till now, wondering what kind of “bomoh” he used :) ..he is the one always look cool guy and OK with everything. He doesn’t have much opinion or suggestion but always make fun where others will laugh.Good sense of humors and Workaholic..
My 2nd brother is the one who intro me to the name of the legendry Bob Marley, all his music’s, videos and biography..so he play a big role for the rastafarianism in my life :D hahaha thanks bro! he might look like a cool guy category person but actually he’s not, this is the man I talk about who have a high self motivation, self confident and I can said he is the one sacrificing a lot for his wife and kids..alot of his friends and mine saying that he looks and talks like me, emm he looks like me or I looks like him emm yah of course HE LOOKS LIKE ME :p

Before I intro my 4th brother, have you people ever heard about “LADIES MAN” yah and he is the one hahaha! Always good in talking with girls I m pretty sure if he active in Facebook, he might have 2 Facebook account..hard to believe huh then you should meet him (application is only for ladies). He is not a Romeo or mat bunga or what so ever, he is not that handsome either, but he know he got the “click” I guess.
Finally it’s me, as I told you before I m the youngest in my family..
I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, we can have a lot of sibling but only few of them can be brothers.. and they are my BROTHERS..
Which one of them still single?Can i hv his hp no? :P